Sunday, June 14, 2009

American massive bodybuilder Jim Vest

Jim "Tiny" Vest is a man of many talents and experiences living in Pennsylvania, USA. Born with scoliosis impingement, doctors thought he would never walk, but with determination and the help of casts and leg braces, he defied the odds. Despite being bullied as a child, he went on to become an elite combatant, a musician, a teacher, an outlaw biker, and even a huge professional bodybuilder. He leads Guerrilla With A Cause, an organization committed to making the world a better place by helping those in need. Jim and his team don't just stand by and watch injustice happen, they intervene and make a difference. Their efforts include providing food, clothing, and friendship to those who need it most. Although Jim admits that not many people are willing to join him on his mission, he continues to use his platform to speak his mind and share his experiences. He believes that we all have darkness and light within us, and he's open about the experiences that have shaped him. Follow Jim on his YouTube channel to learn more about his incredible journey.

Date of Birth: 1962 | Weight: 125kg-135kg/275-300lbs

(Updated post - April 2023)


  1. I hope this is not true.

  2. Is this the Jimmy Vest who used to do karate way back in the late 70's early 80's? I was seeing if he still taught...He was an old friend of mine.

    1. Yes he is the very same Jim you knew if you lived in Eastern Baltimore County. Especially Essex/Middle River area. He is like a brother to me and I recently reconnected with my brother Jim. I had not seen him since 1988 until last month. He is still the great guy I ran around with bar hopping and martial arts events.

  3. I took Goju-Ryu under him. I have the same fist tattoo
    On my right inner forearm.

  4. Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated (I'm pleased to say). Still training - returned to fighting and had some knee issues; been back pumping iron for the last two years and currently bigger than ever.


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