Saturday, October 30, 2021

Magnificent backs (7)

See also all the previous posts: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Mattia Vecchi (Italy)

Antoine Vaillant (Canada)

Giannis Alibertis (Greece)

Bruno Moraes (Brazil)

Nati Ben Moshe (Israel)

Tomas Bures (Czech Republic)

Milos Mlinarevic (Serbia)

Levon Hovhannisyan (Armenia)

Ali Salem (Iraq)

Cristobal Guerra Martin (Spain)

Dimitur Hristov (Bulgaria)

Eric Bello (Mexico)

Chemsou El Bey (Algeria)

Peter Potépa (France)

Semih Topcu (Turkey)

Adam Suker (Poland)

Raul Maghiar (Romania)

Lucion Pushparaj (Sri Lanka)

Mark Getty (UK)

Trevor Koot (Canada)

Chris Kavvalos (Australia/Greece)


1 comment:

  1. I think for me its Trevor Koot of Canada . The big problem looking at these pics is that sometimes the Stringer/Tank Top can make the lats look wider.


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